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Nov 22, 2013

Author Jaime DeLuca discusses her article for the November 2013 issue, Submersed in Social Segregation: The (Re)Production of Social Capital Through Swim Club Membership.

Nov 20, 2013

Co-authors Warren Waren and Anna Brenner-Shuman discuss their article in the Bulletin of Science, Technology, & Society, "Age at Menarche and Choice of College Major: Implications for STEM Majors."
Discover why the study came about, how data was collected, and each author's unique perspective on what may explain these...

Nov 20, 2013

Co-authors Warren Waren and Anna Brenner-Shuman discuss their article in the Bulletin of Science, Technology, & Society, "Age at Menarche and Choice of College Major: Implications for STEM Majors."

Nov 19, 2013

Author Diana Hicks discusses her article for the November 2013 issue, The New York Times as a Resource for Mode 2.

Nov 19, 2013

In this podcast interview, Michaela Benson and Emma Jackson discuss their paper: “Place-making and Place Maintenance: Performativity, Place and Belonging among the Middle Classes” with Sophie Watson, Editor of Sociology. Posted November...